Cyber security experts, trusted partners.

Combining expertise and innovation, we defend your digital infrastructure and your success.

About us

Cyber security pioneers since 1998

RJ45Lab Laboratory for Cyber Security has established solid experience and extensive expertise in the field over time. For over two decades, we have been providing our clients with our know-how and passion to ensure the protection of digital infrastructure and the success of businesses. Our history and dedication in the field of cyber security make us the ideal partner to meet the challenges of the present and the future together.

We build secure systems

Our Cybersecurity Services

Offensive Security Services

I servizi di sicurezza offensiva di RJ45Lab mirano a identificare e sfruttare le vulnerabilità nei vostri sistemi prima che lo facciano gli attaccanti. Il nostro team di esperti conduce penetration test, valutazioni delle vulnerabilità e simulazioni di attacchi mirati per rivelare debolezze e lacune nella vostra sicurezza. Attraverso questa proattiva strategia offensiva, vi aiutiamo a rafforzare le vostre difese, minimizzando i rischi e proteggendo i vostri asset più preziosi.

Research and development in cybersecurity

RJ45Lab's cybersecurity research and development is dedicated to continuous innovation in cybersecurity. Our team of experts collaborates with technology and academic partners to explore new solutions and methodologies, anticipating emerging threats and improving the protection of our customers. Our investment in research and development allows us to offer increasingly advanced services and maintain our position as a leader in the cybersecurity industry.

Cybersecurity Consulting

RJ45Lab's cybersecurity consulting focuses on identifying vulnerabilities and risks your company may face. Through an in-depth analysis of your infrastructure and security policies, we offer customized recommendations to improve your protection and resilience. Our team of experts will guide you in adopting best practices and regulatory compliance, ensuring a secure and reliable environment for your organization.

Design of security solutions

RJ45Lab's security solution design is focused on developing customized strategies to protect your business. Our team of experts carefully analyzes your needs and designs tailored solutions, integrating cutting-edge technologies and optimizing your existing infrastructure. We are committed to creating a secure and resilient environment, adapting to the specific challenges your organization faces in the cybersecurity landscape.

Offensive Security Services


Our Cybersecurity Products


Ransomware and Stealer simulation service for business



Spaghetti Ransomware nasce come un elaborato sistema di simulazione creato con lo scopo di analizzare e testare la risposta di un’azienda ad una minaccia reale di tipo Ransomware. Il modulo Stealer permette di simulare durante le analisi i behaviour dei più famosi Information Stealers in circolazione, consentendo lo studio del comportamento dei meccanismi difensivi implementati nei confronti anche di questa tipologia di minacce.

Attraverso una detonazione controllata del simulatore nella rete aziendale vengono messe in evidenza le aree critiche del sistema da proteggere e vengono fornite strategie concrete per mitigarne il rischio associato.

Il tool è composto da un server di esfiltrazione e da un agent client, entrambi scritti in linguaggio multipiattaforma. Nel momento in cui l’agent viene eseguito (doppio click) su un dispositivo appartenente alla rete aziendale (in ambiente Active Directory), esso avvia una serie di processi tipici di un autentico ransomware tra cui:

  • Replicazione controllata – l’eseguibile si auto-copia all’interno dei filesystem di tutte le macchine raggiungibili nei limiti dei privilegi di esecuzione e dello scope precedentemente dichiarato;
  • “Stealing” – il malware esegue una ricerca di file e dati potenzialmente sensibili sulla macchina infetta e li esfiltra, simulando il comportamento dei più famosi Information Stealer attualmente in circolazione;
  • Encryption dei dati controllata – i file estratti non vengono cancellati, bensì vengono crittografati con una chiave che verrà depositata nel file TXT di riscatto sul filesystem della macchina; il cliente ha la possibilità di scegliere l’opzione “safe encryption”, impedendo la sostituzione di file potenzialmente utili sui sistemi in scope.

At the end of execution, the system is cleaned of all remnants left by the Spaghetti Ransomware simulator (such as executables and archives) except for the ransom file, which is left on the system as proof of its infection. On the remote exfiltration server, an archive containing all the sensitive files extracted and a timeline of the operations performed by the malware regarding each of the infected systems will be deposited.


Based on these timelines, the security team can generate a report that includes a graphical infection map and all the operations performed, divided by system.


STOLEN, acronimo di STealer and Osint Logger for Early Notification, si riferisce alla raccolta e all’analisi di informazioni provenienti da fonti accessibili al pubblico. Queste fonti possono includere siti web, social media, database pubblici, blog, forum, notizie e altre risorse online. STOLEN sfrutta la vastissima quantità di dati disponibili su Internet per estrarre informazioni rilevanti e utilizzabili e gioca un ruolo cruciale nella sicurezza informatica moderna, offrendo alle organizzazioni la capacità di:

  • Identify emerging threats and trends in real-time
  • Gathering information on potential attackers and their techniques
  • Monitoring the presence of publicly exposed sensitive corporate or personal data
  • Prevent attacks by predicting malicious behaviors based on public data analysis
Through an in-depth analysis of online sources, our team of experts gathers and analyzes publicly accessible information on subjects of interest. Using advanced tools and specialized techniques, we provide our clients with an accessible attack surface that can potentially be exploited by threat agents to compromise their image and personal data. Our service includes:
  • Research and correlation of personal information
  • Analysis of online activities
  • Background information research
  • Identification of online threats
  • Creation of intelligence reports
Security incidents

Significant Cyber Incident

By significant cyber incident we mean "state sponsored" actions, espionage, and attacks with losses exceeding $1 million

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Q3 2024


Generic Cyber Incident

By generic cyber incident we mean a cybersecurity event involving the compromise, breach, or loss of data

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Q1 2024


our leader

People make companies

We would like to emphasize the importance of the people working behind the scenes. Let us introduce you to our leader, the core of our team of experts dedicated to cybersecurity.

Stefano Chiccarelli

Co Founder & CEO

© 2025 RJ45LAB S.r.l. – P.I. C.F 02374240683 – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED